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Sharing the Road with Emergency Vehicles | Saving Lane - Delhi

Sharing the Road with Emergency Vehicles | Saving Lane - Delhi
Location: Ashok Nagar, Delhi View Map
Posted By: info.fritteners
Phone: 8920706296
Posted On: 06-August-2020 12:35 PM



"Give Way, Save Lives"

Every moment counts for patient at critical stage. Often, we see while transporting them to hospitals, ambulance faces delays due to traffic. This reduces patient's chances of survival. The ambulance siren alone is incapable to inform the actual ambulance location details to vehicles far ahead in traffic. Hence, we hereby present "LIFE SAVER" android application which is based on digital alert mechanism to overcome such issues by notifying people who are present on the same route  where ambulance(s) is/are stuck.

So, please join our mission by downloading our app and become a Life Saver.