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Software Developer

Functional Area: IT Software - DBA / datawarehousing
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Sales Force Training


We are an Online Training Company. We have Trained more than 400 Students.Our Students are get placed in top MNC Companies. Our Faculties have more than 10 years of experience in Salesforcetechnolo...

OBIEE Training


We are an Online Training Company. We have Trained more than 400 Students.Our Students are get placed in top MNC Companies. Our Faculties have more than 10 years of experience in Obieetechnology.Ou...

SAS – Training, Internship & Placement


Description: Data Analysis ,Reporting ,Data Modeling ,Predictive Modeling using SAS 9.2,SAS Enterprise Guide,sas Enterprise Miner,SAS DI Studio,SAS OLAP Cube,SAS Management console ,SPSS 19,Advance...