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Displaying 21-40 of 115 ads

Part Full Time work in your Free Time For More Details Call me


TFG Vacations an ISO certified Company in Travel and Tourism Industry is expanding it is team members for promotion of Travel and Tourism business both online and offline. For becoming the part of ...

Web Promotion Executive,Online Promotion


A most trusted and repudiated brand in tourism industry invites sincere candidate (Male/Female) for Part-Time Business Promotion work.High Income Potential from Rs. 15,000 to 40,000 P.M. Both part...

Required Business Development Manager/Retired/Freshers


We are offeringDay shift/No Targets/No Calling/No Product Selling.Work from home & earn huge Monthly income (up to 45000)This position is open for people in service/business/college. High Incom...

Customized Holiday Packages - Worldwide


TFG VACATIONS – An ISO certified company catering to needs of travelers world-wide. The company is recruiting interested candidates for making big career in field of providing online services...

Offer For Part Time Jobs Required 100 Candidates


In Tourism Industry we M/S TFG VACATION INDIA PVT. LTD. are a leading enterprise, known for providing quality services at lowest ever costs resulting in building /developing a long term business re...

Internet Marketing Jobs for Fresher/Working in Tourism Company


TFG Vacations India Pvt. Ltd. (ISO certified).(A renowned & trusted name is tourism industry) announces Business opportunity for all individuals (working or fresher) to join us and be a part of...

Online Promotion Work at Home Base


We, at TFG Vacations Pvt. Ltd. (ISO-9001-2008) – a trusted and reliable name in Travel and Tourism sector urgently require candidates (males/females) for online promotional workAn opportunity...

Income Platform for student as Part Time


Tourism Promotion Business with TFGTFG Vacations India Pvt. Ltd. (ISO-9001 – 2008) - a trusted brand name in tourism industry is hiring (recruiting) computer savvy males/females forPart time/...

Just Spend 4-5 Hrs on Internet And Earn Up To 6000 Weekly


A fastest growing business enterprise in Tourism Industry-TFG vacations (ISO:certified) is looking for candidates who are innovative and ambitious for online promotion & Expansion of TFG’...

Opportunity To Establish The Career In Digital Marketing


High Income Potential from Rs.7000 To 9000 perweek. Both part Time and full Time options. Can be performed from any place having internet connectivity. The work is most suitable for people loo...

Real Home Based Ad Posting Part Time Work


TFG Vacations India Pvt. Ltd., ISO-9001-2008 (a fastest growing company in Tourism Sector) announces REGISTRATION for Home Based Ad-Posting Job (Both Part-Time and Full-Time options) Very High Leve...

Immediate Requirement For Online Promotion Work


TFG VACATION – on ISO: certified, well established largest service provider in tourism sector invites individuals for part time online tourism promotion work under company‘s policy of e...

TFG is Hiring Over 200 Work From Home Positions With Benefits


Dear Reader We are the fastest growing company in Travel & Tourism Sector with a pan India presence. TFG Welcome Candidates/people interested in promoting company's business of Travel & Tou...

Online Branding from Home Job


We are offering online Home Based Job opportunity requiring only basic computer skills. An excellent Possible earning more than Rs. 7000/- every week. Job extensively suitable for students, busines...

Work From Home and Earn Minimum 36000 PM


High Income Potential from Rs. 9K to Rs. 12k/ week. Both part Time and full Time options. Can be performed from any place having internet connectivity. Job Security and Flexibility along with ...

Online Marketing Work Online Jobs From TFG Vacations Pvt. Ltd.


TFG (An ISO certified Co.) is pioneer in providing services of international standard and catering to the needs of tourists all across the world with our mission to empower you we at TFG, bring a g...

Part/Full Time Internet Based Business Opportunity


Earn between INR 4000/- to INR 6000/- every week along with your regular job/business just by working 2-3 hours a day & by joining TFG Vacations India. Pvt. Ltd. (ISO: 9001 – 2008). The w...

Work for a Travel Website for Few Hours


Here is a job in a travel website that you are just going to love. This opportunity requires a minimum of two hours of your work each day. And you get paid with a decent sum to meet all your expens...

Make Good Money with Less Working Hours


Lesser hours of work mean lesser pay? Isn’t this what was bothering you? But with us, you don’t have to work so hard to make all the extra money that you want. Have you ever dreamt of a...

Work At Home And Change Your Life Forever


An ISO certified highly repudiated name in tourism industry M/STFG Vacations India Pvt. Ltdis coming up with opportunities to explore your creative talents & live up to your dreams.At the momen...